Lorraine Fisher followed her parents footsteps by dedicating her adult life to volunteering in many of Redcliffe's charitable and community organisations.
She was president of the Redcliffe Red Cross for nearly 30 years and Convenor of the Blood Bank for almost 50 years. A foundation member of the Redcliffe Show Society, she remained a member for over 60 years.
She received many awards during her lifetime, including:
-The Quota Business Woman Of The Year in 1965.
-The British Empire Medal (BEM) from the Governor of Queensland in 1981.
-Redcliffe Citizen Of The Year in 1993.
She celebrated 25 years as a justice of the Peace and in 2001 she was awarded the Lions Club Distinguished Service Award and in 2006 the Quest Heroes Award.
Lorraine Fisher is listed on the wall of the Redcliffe Wall of Fame:
A collection of portrait and information honouring the achievements of individuals who have influenced and shaped Redcliffe. The collection is in the Jetty Arcade at 139-141 Redcliffe Parade.
For a complete list of people who appear on the wall click on the following blog post: