Dickson Queens Beach Estate 1916 Land Sale Map framed
Dickson Queens Beach Estate 1916 Land Sale Map framed 16x20"
"73 High level sites - Glorious Beach Frontages - To be sold on the ground Easter Saturday 22nd April 1916 at 12 oclock"
"Luncheon on the ground at 1pm"
Featured streets include: Queen St, Toorak Ave (now Dunns Terrace), Campbell St, Eversleigh Road, Main Coast Road (now Oxley Ave) , Landsborough Parade. (and the proposed continuation of the Parade - now Prince Edward Parade)
This sketch also includes a wonderful hand drawn sketch of a building and the Koopa sailing in the background .
Local Sketch includes: Klingner Rd, Proposed Railway Terminus, Postal and Telegram Office, Shire Council building, Humpybong Creek, The Redclife Jetty and the "Koopa". The Moreton Bay Hotel and Redcliffe Hotel.
Available to view and pickup from shop 12a in the Cominos Arcade 133 Redcliffe Parade and various framing options are available.