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Woody Point to Scarborough Road in 1881

Writer's picture: fuji321fuji321

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

In October 1881, the Caboolture Divisional Board invited tenders for the clearing of the coastline road from the soon to be completed (1882) Jetty at Woody Point, northward to Dr William Hobbs estate at Reef Point, Scarborough. At that time it was a government road called "Main Coast Road" (now Oxley Ave. )

The Blackrock map was one of the few drawings showing "Main Coast Road" following the land portion borders and doing a dog leg at what is now Griffith Rd. It also skirted around one of the water reserves at the mouth of Humpbong Creek and we are unsure why it made the triangle shape but we assume it followed one of the landholders boundaries.

The O'Connell Town map of c.1881 also shows the approx. road and property location and shows O'Learys Hotel ( opened 1881) and the "proposed jetty site at Deepwater " dating it this map pre 1885.

The 1883 Humpybong map shows the landholders and the water reserve located at the time:

  • The Queenslander - Saturday 29 October 1881 - Page 551:

"For several days previous to the 21st instant bush fires had been prevalent in this district. On the morning of that day a fire was burning in the vicinity of Hay's Inlet, when the strong gale of westerly wind, which rose to a perfect hurricane about midday, Boon spread the flames beyond all human control. The long dry grass was blazing in all directions ; the dry ragged burning bark of tho ti-trees was quickly carried by the wind to considerable distances. A large dead Moreton Bay ash tree, which stood near the dwelling-house of the Messrs. Tubbs, got on fire in the top branches, the falling embers from which were carried on to the roof of the house, which soon caught fire. Mr. H. J. Tubbs got on to the roof and endeavoured to extinguish the fire with buckets of water, but it soon became apparent that his effort were of little avail, and the burning embers from the large tree continued to fall all around him. Seeing that there was no hope of subduing the fire, effort were then made to remove the furniture and other effects, but ao quiokly did the fire spread that but very little oould be saved. The whole place was soon a smouldering ruin. The store, which was a separate building, containing a quantity of provisions, was also totally consumed, nothing being saved. Mr. Tubbs, who is the proprietor of one of the coaohea which plies between this place and Brisbane, had great difficulty in saving the ooaoh and its contents. None of the neighbours were aware of what was going on until all was over. The house of Mr. Noble (the adjoining proprietor), which was unoccupied, was only saved by the plucky efforts of four children returning home from school. They pulled down the garden fence, and beat out the burning couch-grass which surrounded the house, and thereby prevented its destruction. I have little doubt but that gentleman, when he hears of it, will repay the juvenile firemen with more than mere thanks, for the work was done most effectually and well. The amount of fencing destroyed on the several properties is almost inoredible, and, as suitable timber for that purpose is now scarce, it will be a severe loss to all the sufferers. A large portion of such losses would be prevented if road parties were to burn up what timber is cleared from the roadway instead of leaving it lying. I am happy to be able to report that the contractor (Mr. Mott), with men and working materials, is now on the ground preparing for the erection of the long-talked-of Woody Point jetty. The Divisional Board are also calling for tenders for the clearing of the coast line of road from the proposed jetty northwards to Dr. Hobbs' estate at the north point of the district, thereby giving access to the several townships along the whole coast. When these works are completed they will open to view some of the most picturesque scenery in the southern part of the colony. This road forms a straight line from point to point, and if some amount of taste and skill is exercised in forming it so as not to render it tree-less, it will very materially add to the beauty of the place. This is a matter which is much overlooked in this hot climate ; we are planting shade-trees in our towns, and why should we remove and destroy those noble trees of Nature's own planting, leaving the weary traveller without a shade in passing along a dusty road, often under a burning sun. This is a matter which deserves the special attention of divisional boards. I am glad to say that even at this early stage of the season our two hotels are being well patronised with visitors, but certainly there is still an opening on Whitecliffe or St. Leonard's for a first-class accommodation house, as many prefer a quieter place than a hotel for a seaside sojourn. Amongst our progressive improvements I may mention we are now to have a twice-a week mail service, which will be a great boon to the residents. Some new buildings have just been completed, and preparations are going forward for several others; the traffic by our two coaches along the whole line of road, and to Scarborough, is being well sustained."

April 1920 - Corner of Oxley Avenue and Alfred Street in Woody Point.

Photo: Alan Whitehouse - from the Moreton bay Library Collection: RMPC-101\101365

The original Road was called Main Coast Road until 1948, when the Mains Roads Commission agreed to change the name to Oxley Avenue.

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