Aerial Street history of the corner of Macdonnell Rd and Margate Parade - featuring Sandy Lane - Revised with the 1942 and 1988 aerial photos.
Early 1880 maps show the location of houses owned by Rev. C. McCullogh, C.G Skinner and E.M. Macdonnell and Tubbs Boarding House.
The 1933 Parry-Okeden map shows houses owned by Mr Bentley, Mr Stewart, "Okewall" Mr Parry Okeden, and Mrs M. McKenny.

Early maps from our Pictorial History of Redcliffe Book 1824-1949 - available to purchase at the following link:
If you would like your street history commissioned, let us know by calling into our shop 12a in the Cominos Arcade at 133 Redcliffe Parade or message us on here for details of pricing.